Interpersonal Sensitivity

It is sometimes difficult to form an amicable relationship with new people.
Think about an example of how you have coped with such a situation. What did you do?

Empathy and social skills are social intelligence, the interpersonal part of emotional intelligence. That’s why they look alike.

Daniel Goleman

People are extremely different from one another on so many different levels but one, the communication level. Every single one has their own style to communicate.

I have found myself in situations where I was introduced as a new member to a group regardless on whether it was group of friends or a workplace. I also strongly believe that the first impression is very important but not the one that will follow you as a tag throughout ones tenure at workplace environment.

The first impressions do not tend to last long since one will be spending time with their new colleagues on a daily basis or very often and it is inevitable that one will start being more candor with the group.

When I personally being introduced in a new group of people, I tend to be extra open and friendly so as to make people feel comfortable to communicate. I rarely being awkward or silent but the times I have is usually when I am outside my comfort zone, for instance in a business meeting that I may not hold too much information about the topic being discussed or in the middle of a conversation with friends that the topic is completely out of my interest.

In both cases, I tend to ask questions so as to understand the details and be able to better contribute to the discussion. Some may say that the questions are a bit silly but I firmly believe that are not silly questions but silly people that are afraid to ask questions.