What have you done outside of formal study to develop your skills?
Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
Henry Ford
My personal moto is “Knowledge should be free”. I go by this mentality in my everyday life as I have found myself in situations where I would like to understand or learn something but either I did not have the resources or the right people next to me to teach me.
On my daily routine I use to follow online lectures from know universities on various fields that I find interesting such as economics, theory of games, quantum physics and more. I may not be able to understand everything and I may need to re-watch over and over or research terminology and practices referred to those lectures but when I do finally understand, it’s fascinating when the the self-accomplishment morale boost kicks in.
More specifically to my field of studies though, I have learnt a lot about product development, management, metrics, design through independent coursework and professional practice. I have also learnt python, Django, Flask, *nix based systems administration, javaScript and other tools and frameworks through code-along projects, courses, and personal projects.